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Social Media Marketing

This section is about social media marketing. These articles will help you to improve your appeal to existing and future customers on social media. Don’t get lost in the noise! Use these tips today to get you to the next level.

Social media marketing is the use of social platforms to promote a product or service. This practice requires a deep understanding of the constantly changing platforms, apps, and ecosystems. Not to mention, a deep knowledge of human behavior, demographics, and culture of each channel. Having a seasoned advisor is highly recommended what will get results.

Social media plays a major part in business today. It is a require part of the marketing portfolio. When planned and executed appropriately, it is a significant contributor to business success.

Whereas a salesperson cannot maximize on cold calling alone, a business person cannot market themselves effectively on traditional methods alone. In addition, having an online presence affects brand reputation. Without it, a business risks losing the trust of the consumer.

Bookmark this page today to keep up on the latest (and greatest) news about social media.

The Follow Unfollow Strategy on Instagram

For this #kTip, we discuss the disappointing strategy that occurs on Instagram I call “follow-unfollow”... Watch Video Here Hello, hello, hello! Kak Varley here with another kTip.  I want to talk about an Instagram strategy that occurs quite often. It's the follow unfollow strategy.  Effective Following Let me explain it to you. There's a networking component of Instagram where [...]
