
AnswerThePublic is an unparalleled direct line into consumer search practices. AnswerThePublic monitors what is being searched through Google around the clock to see what people are looking for and understand trends. The information AnswerThePublic can provide for your company is the best way to get to know your consumer. These are insights that would be nearly impossible to get any other way. AnswerThePublic notices search trends through autocomplete data and reports them back to you. Targeting specific keywords, AnswerThePublic will deliver the questions and phrases being asked of your keyword. With all of this data, you can get ahead of the curve and customize your content to exactly what your consumer is looking for. AnswerThePublic will make it easy for you to be exactly what your consumer is looking for.

Engage precisely 

When it comes to SEO and visibility online, there are a lot of variables and competition. You are fighting against every company similar to your own to get customers. It is important for you to distinguish yourself in product and message, but also in searchability. You can have a good handle on SEO and still struggle in ranking. The amount of thought and effort that goes into creating SEO-perfect content is a bear. It is time and resources to do what you think will get you the views you need, but even then, something could be missing.

Understanding and engaging with your customer base is important on and off the internet. These connections are what will breed loyalty to your brand. But how do you know exactly what they’re looking for? The answer is AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic all but eliminates the guesswork. With the information compiled through AnswerThePublic’s technology, you can create content customized to your customers. You will know precisely what your consumers are in the market for. Creating content that completely meets your customers’ needs will put your brand at the top of their searches. Recognizing what they want with AnswerThePublic’s help will pay off across the board. 

Tailored content will bring more traffic to your website because you are preemptively answering questions. Be either on the same page or a few chapters ahead of your consumers with AnswerThePublic’s insights. Answer the questions being asked by your consumer, and maybe even a few they haven’t thought of just yet. 

Stay Up to Date

Even more so than the physical world, the internet is always changing. Practices, trends, and even the culture online are always updating and never stopping. It is important to stay in the loop of all of these trends, and that’s a seriously tall order. There is so much that goes into trending content online, and it’s nearly impossible to know where the next one will crop up. Viral content can come from literally anywhere and influence huge swaths of the internet. Instead of focusing on keeping tabs on every corner of the internet, AnswerThePublic zeros in on your keyword specifically. 

Trends and patterns in relation to your keywords are what AnswerThePublic specializes in. While your keyword may stay the same, what people want to know about it will change. Understanding how people are reacting to your keyword or keywords will help you keep up with trends, no matter how many times the tide turns. 

With AnswerThePublic, you will know exactly what is up. AnswerThePublic gets you in on the conversation. Any new way that your keyword is being used, any shift in questioning or phrasing, any update at all, AnswerThePublic will report it to you. With this invaluable tool, you will be able to keep up better than any of your competitors. Because you will have access to all of this information, you will also be able to access past trends to get a better understanding of behavior toward your keyword. With AnswerThePublic’s help, you can see what’s coming and reflect on the past to optimize your keyword content.

Discover New Things

It would be understating it to say that the internet is a big place. It has completely changed the world, from social to business aspects. While we’re all familiar with the more popular parts of the internet, there are a few untapped resources out there still. Not every corner of the internet has been scoured completely. There are hard-to-find pockets of content and consumers that have yet to be optimized. AnswerThePublic makes discovering those areas easy. 

Not only will AnswerThePublic help you better understand relationships to your keyword, but they will also help you expand on it. AnswerThePublic is listening for your keyword at all times, everywhere. They know where and how people are engaging with it, and sometimes that comes from unexpected places. When your keyword is found in an unexpected place, AnswerThePublic will be the first to know. 

Finding these niche interactions will give you a better understanding of your reach. Know exactly where the curious people are. Having a grasp on these elements of keyword searches will help you win over your competition. By understanding your keywords engagement broadly, you can capitalize on all aspects. Finding these hidden caches will help to boost searches naturally and know more than your competitors. 

This information will make you a more capable content creator. You will have better knowledge than others using the same keyword with AnswerThePublic. Access to these hidden gems will give you a leg up when it comes to content strategy. 

No More Risks or Guesswork

AnswerThePublic makes your content strategy and campaigns rock solid. By providing you with better insights into your keyword, they are also providing you with time-saving practices and security. Intuition and gut feelings no longer play a role in your content strategies with AnswerThePublic. AnswerThePublic will give you surefire ideas based on the very people you are trying to reach. 

You will be able to build your content calendar around what AnswerThePublic gives you. AnswerThePublic’s reports will give you the ideas you need to succeed. Rather than trying to distill the information you collect into effective media, AnswerThePublic takes the guesswork out of it. You may have an idea you think is good that will bump engagement up, but AnswerThePublic provides a near guarantee. Base everything you create off of keyword searches that are already happening and give the people what they want. 

This kind of surety provides a certain amount of comfort and security. Gone are the make-or-break business decisions based on educated guessing. Using AnswerThePublic is like an open book test. You’ve got all the information you need to pass with flying colors. Because you know exactly what people are searching for you know exactly what will bring people your way. With this direct line, AnswerThePublic will give you a new sense of confidence in building your business. Up-to-the-minute updates on keyword engagement will directly influence how you choose to handle your content and improve your online business practices. 


All of these elements provided by AnswerThePublic will completely streamline your entire process. Before AnswerThePublic, businesses are truly left to their own devices. Little to no advanced knowledge or guidance on best SEO practices, choosing an effective keyword, and optimizing content calendar strategies, most businesses aren’t operating at full steam. With AnswerThePublic, you have the most vital information you could ever ask for. A complete content calendar, the best keywords and how to use them, tips and tricks for improving engagement, and more are all afforded to businesses that use AnswerThePublic. 

Schedule your content calendar weeks and weeks in advance, knowing that it will reach the right audience in the right way. Don’t waste your time brainstorming, rewriting, or worrying that what you put out there won’t do the job. Know for certain that AnswerThePublic is your unwavering connection to your customers’ inquiries and needs. AnswerThePublic gives you the tools to grow while also saving time. 

Not only will you have all of the information, but you’ll also have tons of time back. With the time AnswerThePublic saves you, you have tons of options. Shift your focus to other aspects of your business that might need more help. With your content taken care of, work on networking or expanding in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible. The peace of mind that comes from streamlining your process with AnswerThePublic is yet another hidden value to this service. You will never have to scrape for content ideas again; AnswerThePublic will give you all you need. 


The pricing scale for AnswerThePublic has a few different elements. The Monthly and Annual plans offer much of the same aspects, with slight variations. By signing up for the Monthly plan, AnswerThePublic users will be paying $99 per month for the following: 

  • Unlimited searches
  • Unlimited users
  • Compare data over time
  • 5 Search Listening Alerts
  • CSV export
  • Hide branches & suggestions
  • High res images
  • Priority customer support
  • Ebook: Consumer Insight in the Age of Google
  • Video course: How to Master AnswerThePublic

Monthly users have the option to cancel at any time. The Annual plan has a nearly identical list of features but with one additional educational resource and a smaller price tag. Annual AnswerThePublic users will pay $79/month ($948 upfront), for: 


  • Unlimited searches
  • Unlimited users
  • Compare data over time
  • 5 Search Listening Alerts
  • CSV export
  • Hide branches & suggestions
  • High res images
  • Priority customer support
  • Ebook: Consumer Insight in the Age of Google
  • Video course: How to Master AnswerThePublic
  • Video course: Search Listening and the Customer Journey

The Enterprise plan has the highest price tag at $399/month ($4,788 upfront). It provides all that the Annual plan does but with two additions. Rather than five search listening alerts, Enterprise users are afforded 50. This is arguably the most important feature AnswerThePublic offers. 


  • Unlimited searches
  • Unlimited users
  • Compare data over time
  • 50 Search Listening Alerts
  • CSV export
  • Hide branches & suggestions
  • High res images
  • Priority customer support
  • Ebook: Consumer Insight in the Age of Google
  • Video course: How to Master AnswerThePublic
  • Video course: Search Listening and the Customer Journey
  • 2-hour personalized onboarding training 

These plans are all similar at a base level, where they differ depending on what kind of help your business is ready for. There is always the option to upgrade if you see great success.  

AnswerThePublic is the key to keywords. All of the questions you’ve ever had about keywords are now answered. You will know exactly what consumers are searching for regarding your keyword and exactly what to do with that information. Having this wealth of knowledge will afford your business time to expand and resources to improve. 

AnswerThePublic listens to your consumer when you can’t and doesn’t let you miss a beat. AnswerThePublic will report trends back to you, find valuable buried treasures, and let you see where you’ve come from. Track your own progress right along with the ever-changing atmosphere of the internet.  Mind your business’s scores and rankings to see how well you’re competing and how you can become even stronger. 

When you add AnswerThePublic to your online business strategy, you are adding a serious tool to your arsenal. No trend will go unnoticed. No questions are unseen. Get insights into your consumers’ minds that you would never have had without this platform. You can dedicate time and resources to attempting to understand every find point of keyword searches and working to implement your data into a succinct plan all on your own, or you can let AnswerThePublic take the wheel while you enjoy the ride. 

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Kak Varley
Kak VarleyChief Digital Officer
Kak Varley got the internet bug right at its inception. He started in 2015 to help businesses grow and scale using various sales and inbound marketing methodologies. With 25+ years experience in Sales and has certainly mastered the sales craft and now focuses on helping businesses grow and scale.