LinkedIn for Sales

Get more meetings with LinkedIn for Sales – a LinkedIn Management Service…

  • Be able to improve messaging and discover new audiences.
  • Skip cold selling and focus on new warm prospects.
  • Implement an effective sales methodology.

Contact us now to bring value to your LinkedIn world.

What You Get from a LinkedIn Management Services Program

LinkedIn for Sales is a strategy and behavioral-based LinkedIn Management service that:

  • Discovers your target audiences on a 10x level
  • Informs you on what messaging is triggering interest
  • Builds your network via rapport building
  • Retrieves the best kind of prospects – warm prospects.

We’ve taken 35+ years of inside and field sales experience and implemented them into the digital world to create valued connections.

What is the LinkedIn Management Process?

Our LinkedIn for Sales process is tried and true because of the many years of sales experience and the constant testing we do to prove our strategies. The process looks like this:

  • Strategy – We’ll meet regularly to understand your business and audiences and create a plan of action that includes messaging and timelines.
  • Implementation – My team will build the rapport-building framework in our LinkedIn management tool.
  • LinkedIn Management – The team will execute the plan and manage your LinkedIn on your behalf daily.

The Results from LinkedIn Management Services

Why does this work? The simple answer is that I take what we would normally do in the physical world and bring it into the digital world.

Just because LinkedIn is a digital tool does not mean that humans should be treated any differently. Respect for people’s time is the key component of this solution.

Through LinkedIn for Sales, we guarantee that within months you will gain one or more of these types of contacts:

  • Prospects – People who are truly interested in your product and/or service.
  • Referrers – People who will refer you to other people within their network.
  • Promoters – People who will be willing to promote your product and/or service to their connections.

LinkedIn Management Service Tool

Want to know what tool we use for our LinkedIn Management Services? This is the all-in-one LinkedIn automation tool that will have you wondering why you didn’t discover it earlier. This tool is a powerful yet super simple autopilot for LinkedIn that automates your work and has a wide range of awesome features.

  • Send automated (personalized) connection requests.
  • Message hundreds of 1st level connections in bulk.
  • Automatically endorse up to 7 skills on profiles.
  • Visit hundreds of profiles automatically.
Linked Management Services Tool